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President Peter Pellegrini received on Saturday his first foreign visit at his office in Banska Bystrica, namely Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) ...
Since the National Criminal Agency (NAKA) was scrapped the police have been left in a less efficient state, as the ratio between managers-regular officers has become higher than before, the Let's Stop ...
The construction of a Chinese battery plant in Surany (Nitra region) by Gotion InoBat Batteries may threaten the automotive industry in Slovakia, the opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) stated on ...
A man who allegedly approved of the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) on a social networking site has been taken into custody, TASR was told by spokeswoman for the ...
The opinions of Government Proxy for Investigations into COVID-19 Pandemic Management Peter Kotlar (SNS) are in stark contradiction to evidence-based medicine, pointed out the Faculty of Medicine of ...
House Vice-chair Peter Ziga (Voice-SD), who is currently in charge of managing Parliament, received Czech Senate Chair Milos Vystrcil on Friday, Parliament Office's communication department has ...
Slovakia has provided medical supplies to the Lebanese Health Ministry. The Interior Ministry's Crisis Management Section earmarked for Lebanon 120,000 injection needles and 120,000 syringes from its ...
Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) told journalists on Friday that he respects Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova's (Voice-SD) decision to step down from her post, but it caught him by surprise.
The coalition Voice-SD party understands and respects the decision of its nominee, Zuzana Dolinkova, to resign from the post of health minister, TASR learnt from Voice-SD party's press department on ...
Education Minister and former health minister (2016-2018) Tomas Drucker (Voice-SD) stated on Friday that he isn't interested in any other post, stressing that he's responsible for the implementation ...
The newly elected presidium of the Hungarian Alliance party has held its first meeting on Friday, TASR was told by the party's press department. The members of the presidium have defined the areas of ...