Hundreds of trucks speed through Passering every day. Schoolchildren have to cope with three danger zones along a 400-meter ...
The new Mur power plant in Gratkorn was officially opened on Friday by Energie Steiermark, Verbund and politicians. It now ...
A British doctor has devised a perfidious plan to eliminate a potential heir to his mother's estate: Disguised as a nurse, he ...
After the 4-0 defeat against Brest in the Champions League, Salzburg urgently need to show a reaction in the hit against ...
The heavy rainfall almost three weeks ago is still having unpleasant consequences: since September 14, the drinking water ...
Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner and Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (both ÖVP) exchanged views with the Austrian ...
Officially, it is still up to the Federal President to task FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl with forming a government. At the same ...
Renowned Krone foreign policy journalist Kurt Seinitz analyzes the explosive situation in the Middle East in an interview ...
Hubert Schmalix is one of Austria's most important painters. He loves comics, colors and the grand gesture. At the Linz ...
Biohacking - a term that sounds like science fiction to some, but has already become a daily reality for others. But what is ...
A language course ended in the morning in Vienna-Favoriten with a rescue operation and criminal charges. The reason: a young ...
There's a lot of money at stake again: this week, the social economy kicked off the fall wage round, soon to be followed by ...