The current third President of the National Council, Norbert Hofer, wants to come first with the FPÖ in the Burgenland state ...
Tyrolean Reinhold Dullnig is a crime writer and passionate schnapps distiller. The "Krone" looked over the shoulder of the ...
An eventful season lies behind motocross rider Marcel Stauffer. He wants to really prove himself once again at the Motocross ...
To what extent do the results of the National Council elections influence the trend for the Styrian state elections in ...
As reported, six children were abused by two Afghans in the Traiskirchen outdoor pool: However, they will soon be free again.
A 45-year-old Hungarian woman has been on trial since Friday at Feldkirch Regional Court in Vorarlberg for pimping, ...
Biofuel is supposed to save CO2 in road traffic. Ten and seven percent biogenic fuel is already added to petrol and diesel. A ...
This 38-year-old mother of four from the Hausruckviertel in Upper Austria has given birth to three children without the help ...
The Arge für Obdachlose is breaking new ground with the sale of the "Kupfermuckn": After the turn of the year, the street ...
The danger of a major war in the Middle East is growing daily. How did it get this far? What has happened since the Hamas ...
According to the Israeli army, it has destroyed a three and a half kilometer long weapons tunnel under the Syrian-Lebanese ...
Embrace, billions - in the world of sports business, the "premier class" of motorsport has always been one of the "global ...